
The Goal of this site is to assist aspiring entrepreneurs (mostly in brunei) to start or run a successful business.

To achieve this goal, this website will contain the following information:

  • Writing a Business Plan
  • Starting a business and legal matters.
  • Business Management in the aspects of operations, financial and marketing.
  • Business Resources from websites, books, courses and seminars.
  • Relevant news in Business and Entrepreneurship.

The market for this site are:

  • School leavers
  • Retirees or almost retirees
  • Employees thinking of starting their own business
  • Business owners who want to succeed in business
  • Anyone who runs or owns a business or planning to start one.

9 responses to “About”

  1. Mohd Hidzuan Avatar

    Invitation to be a Participant and Sponsor in the MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference 2010\

    MSC Malaysia and the Open Source Developers Club Malaysia (OSDC.my) is proud to present the MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference (MOSC 2010), held from 29 June to 1July, 2010 in Berjaya Times Square Hotel & Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    Together with the joint efforts of MAMPU and its Open Source arm, OSCC, the MOSC 2010 will be a content driven platform consisting of three tracks that caters for the most relevant parties of the Open Source world: developers, the Open Source community and the public sector.

    Come join over 200 Open Source developers, gurus, experts, and users as this conference includes tutorials and workshop that go deep into the technology behind open source innovations and 58 sessions focusing on Executive topics, business, databases, emerging topics, Java, Linux, People, Perl, PHP, Programming, Python, Ruby, Security, Web Applications and much more.

    We seek your partnership in this conference to share your industry expertise in Open Source development and showcase your support for both the community and developers.

    The MOSC 2010 Conference would be valuable to you as avenues to:

    Showcase your products, services and support for the Open Source movement. This would be useful exposure & visibility, and means of (re)branding to give your company valuable differentiation.
    Engage simultaneously in three different markets of Open Source: the Open Source Community; Public sector access including IHLs and other agencies; and Open Source developers either based locally and outside Malaysia
    Having a chance to address these three different spheres of the Open Source movement in a single conference is a definite cost-effective way to show that your company remains relevant and committed to Open Source in particular and the ICT industry, as a whole.

    The MOSC 2010 is also a fantastic opportunity to market ideas, promote awareness and support for Open Source concepts to span a regional base. MDeC is opening the scope of the MOSC 2010 to an Asia-Pacific, regional level by having world class keynote speakers from different parts of the world. This wider reach effectively broadens your target audience as well and is a salient point in which your company can market its ideas and opinions relevant to Open Source users and developers.

    Your company’s presence and participation in the keynote addresses or track session effectively connects you with Asia Pacific region’s best developers and communities. While it is MDeC’s role to instill the strategic advantage of doing business in Malaysia, we hope that you too can take advantage of presenting and openly discussing key ideas in the Open Source world. Let this conference be a platform of a neutral ground for sharing of knowledge, trends, directions and ideas in Open Source, white-branding without delivering any product pitch.

    We have tailor made options for a partnership in MOSC 2010 (for more information, please see attached sheets) at attractive rates and hope that your company can join us in supporting Open Source movement in Malaysia..

    Should you have further clarification, kindly contact Ms Khairunajah; HP: +6013 -6838980 or email: khairunnajah@oss.my or Mr. Rafe Asznal; HP: +6019 – 266 3835 or email: rafe@mdec.com.my

  2. Nida Mokthar Avatar
    Nida Mokthar

    Assalamualaikum hai. My name is Nida. I just wondering is there any way for someone like me who need help in business (starting a small business) urgently (im a person who wants answers ASAP). Do you have an online chat like bibd online chat or specific contact no for texting via whatsapp or calls? That will be more convenient plus can speak in malay.

    And also if you can make a group or a page for vendors,cubes in 4 district or event that in need of vendors eg. That will really help to. Thank you in advance

    1. bobbyofbrunei Avatar

      Thats actually a good idea. will consider. Maybe facebook group?

      1. Nida Hm Avatar
        Nida Hm

        A facebook group or maybe a facebook page where others can get more information? Yes please.. and need it to be in malay language too. Since some are bad in communicate or read or understanding in english,right?

  3. Dayatii Avatar

    Hello there, I am a student from Universiti Teknologi Brunei, and currently I am doing a research about how the falling of oil prices divert interest into SME’s sector. I also read your articles for my research finding regarding SMEs in Brunei. I really hope you can answer these following question.

    So the questions are;

    1. Are you working in public/private sector
    2. How aware are you with the falling of oil prices?
    3. How does the public/private sector improve the businesses in Brunei?
    4. What can you do in order to help divert the community interest in business?
    5. Which industry need more focus and improvement? Why?
    6. How close we are in achieving the vision of 2035 in Economic Development?
    7. Do you think Brunei can depend on the SME’s sector like they depend on the oil and gas industry? How so?
    8. Do you think the falling of oil prices is more of an advantage or disadvantage to the SME’s sector? Why?

    Thank you so much for your time.

    1. bobbyofbrunei Avatar

      1. private
      2. keep up roughtly, i don’t look at the prices everyday.
      3. whatever they can, in however they can
      4. i can’t do much, only share information, i can’t make people do things they don’t wanna do.
      5. export and tourism, because that is the only way can bring income into brunei.
      6. not close enough, but we have half a century to catch up.
      7. yes they can, they have to. other countries have, its just that we have been dependant on it for so long, we are used to it, times have changes, we are now forced not to depend on oil and gas. in some cases, things have to become worse before it gets better.
      8. disadvantage because a lot of public and private sector contracts are lower, therefore lower activity. but advantage, as it forces the governments to make it easier for business, and for private sector to be more creative.

  4. ali.h Avatar

    Hi im looking for a proper example business proposal for brunei based. and also im looking for SME bank in brunei in which i need to submit my proposal for to open up a small scale business.any recommendation which bank accept SME proposal?

    1. bobbyofbrunei Avatar

      if you are a start up the best one right now is BIBD. Baiduri and TAIB are also possible, but they usually prefer existing businesses.

    2. bobbyofbrunei Avatar

      in general, BIBD, Currently with DARe, they provide a 15k loan for startups.

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